FCA Camp is designed to create a healthy, exciting, and spiritual environment for you to connect with God and to apply His principles of being a spiritual leader and mentor to your own life as a coach.


If you’ve went through the E3 discipleship process of making disciples who make disciples, then you might be ready to start a huddle of you own. To start a Huddle, talk to your local FCA staff!


As you embark upon a journey of understanding the 3D framework, you will begin to discern with clarity your transformational purpose. Our online course for certification and/or college credit will guide you through this process. Next it will help you create a plan to fulfill your purpose with practical 2nd & 3rd dimension strategies. Along the way, you will make important discoveries that will increase your capacity to effectively coach the 21st century athlete.

Create strategies to combat “entitlement”Learn how to motivate athletes from withinUnderstand how to build confidenceDevelop strategies to harness emotionsDiscover the formula for team cohesionRealize how to effectively set goalsEstablish a plan to cultivate character


A 1-on-1 meeting occurs when two people commit to studying the Bible and going through the E3 discipleship process of engaging, equipping, and empowering others to make disciples who make disciples. If you’re a mature believer and have a passion for mentoring and discipling others, talk to your local FCA staff to find out how you can get involved.


Stay connected and join our virtual community to keep up with what is happening with FCA around the world.


In partnership with the YouVersion Bible app, FCA’s reading plans are perfect for a 1-on-1, Huddle, or 1-on-1 environments. Download a variety of reading plans, in multiple languages, to get you plunged into God’s Word. Choose from many different topics that relate to you and where you’re at in your spiritual journey as an athlete.
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